Self-Compassion & Feast on Peace
Hi everyone! We are in it ~ the holiday season is officially HERE! I am so proud of all you have accomplished this year and what you have been open to exploring.
The holidays can be a time when a lot of emotions get stirred up. We might feel a tension between where we have grown and where we still feel stuck. We might be frustrated by someone we love or someone we work with. We also simply may feel stressed!! That is OK! The key here is compassion.
We are all compassionate people, I know this! However, there is a difference between ‘understanding how to be compassionate’ or saying ‘I feel compassion for a certain person/situation’ and actually feeling it in our hearts. This requires “dropping in.” Personally, I like to “drop in” by creating artwork, journaling or going on reflective/meditative walks. When I am able to drop into my heart space, that is where I know the compassionate work begins.
The irony of this compassionate work is that oftentimes the deeper we drop in, the more we understand that compassion for others really begins with compassion for ourselves. In my personal experience, I’ve been able to see how difficult situations can shine a light into areas where I can love and accept myself more. When these uncomfortable feelings arise, I may ask, how is this situation a mirror to pieces of myself I have buried, shamed, neglected or left unloved or unnoticed? When we claim self-compassion, we accept responsibility for our own feelings towards a situation and we ultimately emerge with grace. This is when miracles begin to occur.
I bring this up because I want to remind us all that creating compassion is in our control. It often requires discipline, sifting through uncomfortable feelings, and courage. I have found that creating artwork or dedicating a specific space or time of day to this self-compassion work is helpful to stay disciplined. I continue to work on my own self-compassion ~ it is all a work in progress! This is your gentle reminder to take care of yourself these next couple weeks by setting aside space for “compassion work,” whatever that looks like to you :)
I also encourage you to FEAST on joy and peace these next few weeks. Whether or not you are committed to self-compassion work at this time, we have all worked hard this past year to create our own slice of peace and joy. Now is the time to remind ourselves that these emotions NOURISH our soul. These are the emotions that lift us up and carry us through with love. Allow yourself to feast on them!!!
Here are some phrases to guide ~
I bless and release what does not give me peace
I allow myself to be still and listen to divine guidance
I will feast on joy, I will feast on peace
I am so, so excited for this New Year and I hope you are, too! I have some exciting things I am working on and can’t wait to share with you!
Also in case you missed it, here is a link to my most recent Instagram post about my relationship with alcohol.
Oh… and I am going to leave you with this delicious creamy chicken wild rice and orzo soup recipe I made a few days ago… It is perfect for this time of year!
I would love to hear about how you create self-compassion!! Reply to this email, DM me on instagram and tag @withgoodcare when you find yourself in a moment of reflection & peace. I’m so proud of you!!