Authentic Success
Hello, my loves!
May was a month of embracing warmer weather and allowing new feelings of peace to land in our lives! I am so excited to be personally emerging from a time of reflection, especially since I have witnessed in the past how taking this time can provide real growth and transformation.
The fact is that we all face hardship in our lives, and the way we approach hardship matters.
When I faced a challenging time years ago, it allowed me to become more clear on what the life I wanted looked like, how I wanted to feel, etc. Fast forward 9 years from that time - I am so proud of the life I have created! I feel grateful for the opportunity to share creatively on my With Good Care platform, teach with my heart in the classroom and on the yoga mat, and live in a healthy and happy partnership with my husband.
This is authentic success to me at this time in my life!
To get to this place, I took really, REALLY small steps. I slowly changed the way I exercised and cared for my body. I slowly changed my relationships. I slowly changed my wardrobe. I slowly changed my habits and got REALLY clear on what was truly important to me.
Even after facing some more recent challenges, I feel excited because I’ve chosen to take these experiences and lessons seriously. I have another opportunity to look forward and consider what is even more authentic to me in this moment and in 5-10 years from now, and I will continue to honor that vision by creating new, small habits.
I believe we all have the power to hold real visions for our future. I feel we deserve to hold ourselves accountable to these visions. This isn’t a race, we aren’t in competition, we must visualize a truthful future for our own selves. At the end of the day, what remains constant is our relationship with ourselves. We must continue to nurture this relationship, honor it, and listen to our own feelings and worries, our regrets, and even our pain and shame. We must give proper attention to the shadows so that we can emerge in full light.
I’m excited to bring a new light into small habits and intentions for the future. I’m feeling happy just writing this!! I’ve been working on a 9-page guide outlining how I have worked to weave a consistent sense of calmness into my life. It gives me great pleasure to share it with all of you! My hope is that it inspires you to continue to slow down and reflect so that you can continue to align with your truthful visions.
You can download this free 9-page 3 Keys to Calm guide HERE!
Let’s kick off our summer with an abundance of love and courage in our hearts!
More to come.