tending to your energy
Last month we discussed adding to the “bank” of self-care by having daily, weekly, and monthly rituals that tend to our bodies and Souls.
As we consider which practices are truly nourishing and which practices feel attainable, let’s remember to be aware of our unique energy system and cycles. We want to make sure we are setting ourselves up for success!
We operate in many different cycles. There is a daily cycle, a calendar cycle, and, for some women, a menstruating cycle. We also have different personal “seasons” of life. Perhaps you are in a busy work season. Perhaps you are in a season of slowing down into early motherhood. When we know the season(s) we are in and understand the cycle of our energy within that season, we can set ourselves up for success!
Personally, I know that when I am in a busy season at school, the way I take care of myself looks different than it does over the summer. There are times when I opt to skip a workout and take a bath instead, knowing that my energy system is already overloaded. I have also developed a level of self-trust that gives me permission to skip a workout, knowing that resting now will enable me to commit to a nourishing cardio or strength workout later on.
Because I am prioritizing my energy rather than trying to control my time, I am better able to take care of myself, drop my shoulders, and exhale knowing that I’m following what my energy is telling me.
There have been moments in the past in which taking care of myself was based on time. If I ended up not having the time to get something done, I felt like I failed. Focusing on my energy feels like more of a flow and, ironically, it feels like I am more in control. These energy systems are ours, while time really is not. Time doesn’t even exist! This month I am encouraging all of us to:
1) be honest about your current season(s)
2) study your energy and its cycles
3) which self-care practices feel nourishing for you right now?
4) lean in when needed, rest when needed
5) take good care of yourself always’
With Love,